Network Bonding with 802.3ad LACP
This tutorial is setting up a network bonding with two network interfaces in a server with the help of a managed network swtich (LACP-Link Aggregation Control Protocol, 802.3ad) In linux system, there are several modes in the network bonding. (Ref: Link) 0: balance-rr 1: active-backup 2: balance-xor 3: broadcast 4: 802.3ad 5: balance-tlb 6: balance-alb Only the 802.3ad mode requires LACP support in the switch side. As we have a managed switch, Pica8 P-3297, I have configured a network bonding with 802....
Migrate Conda Environments
This post describes how to migrate conda environments. It is assumed that you have user-only conda and system-wide conda as described in the post. Save the full list of packages for all environments (except the base environment) Check the existing environments. conda info --envs Save the list for each environment. conda list -n <env-name> --explicit > <env-name>.spec This is an example. $ is the command I typed and others are the output of the command....
Install Conda System-Widely
Here’s how to install conda for multiple users. Download Miniconda install script from wget chmod +x -OR- curl -OLJ chmod +x Install Miniconda3 Target directory: /usr/local/conda Activate base by default? No sudo ./ -b -p /usr/local/conda Generate a global configuration Create a system-wide configuration, /usr/local/conda/.condarc, to force to use system-wide package cache and to skip activating base environment. --- pkg_dirs: #!final - /usr/local/conda/pkgs auto_activate_base: false #!...
Install Go in MacOS
I have installed go-lang on my MacBook M2 Pro to compile hugo from the source code. Download Site: Current: Install cd Downloads curl -OJL tar xf go1.22.1.darwin-amd64.tar.gz sudo mv go /usr/local echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc source ~/.zshrc Configure Local Folders GOPATH: The folder to manage packages. GOBIN: The folder to locate the package binary. mkdir ~/.local/go echo 'export GOPATH=~/.local/go' >> ~/.zshrc echo 'export GOBIN=~/.local/bin' >> ~/.zshrc source ~/....